Juli 17, 2012

EXO 100 Days

Suho: Hello everyone. I am EXO-K’s leader Suho who is guiding everyone. Firstly, I’m truly thankful to all for given us EXO so much love during this 100 days. Today we’ve celebrated our 100th day party with fans and although it was a short one, I could feel the love from everyone in this 100days, and I feel really blessed. Just like how everyone is spending the 100 days loving EXO, in the future please love EXO for years and let’s spend it together.

Baekhyun: Hello everyone. I am Baekhyun! Today is the 100th day of our debut. Thank you to all who came for our 100th day party. Of course, those who would like to join in our 100thday party but couldn’t make it, you are also a part of our EXO family! I love all of you too, and thank you. In the future we will become an even an even more charming EXO who will work forwards, please love us a lot.
Chanyeol: Hello everyone! I am happy virus Chanyeol! It’s been 100 days, really thankful for all the love and concern you’ve given us. Also, in the hundreds of days to come, let’s be together like always ^^
D.O.: Hello everyone, I am EXO’s D.O. It’s been 100 days since our debut. Fans who have congratulated us and loved us, I sincerely thank you all. Also, recently it has been the rainy season, the change between day and night temperatures could cause flu so please be careful. I love all of you. P.s. I’m really sleepy
Kai: Hello everyone I am Kai. Wow it’s been 100 days. Time really passed very fast didn’t it? Although in EXO’s history in the future, 100 days is only a short period of time, but our debut to us wasn’t as short as 100 days. Let’s allow the blissful memories we’ve created in this 100 days to continue, developing another 10 years, 10,000 years of memories. I love all of you. ^^
Sehun: Everyone … 100 days … Up till today, I’m really thankful!! I really love all of you sincerely. Let’s be together, persevering as always

Kris: Always having you beside us, which is why I feel blessed, I really like seeing all of you
Xiumin: Hello everyone! I am EXO’s Xiumin. So soon it’s already our 100 day since debut?! We’ve loved each other for more than 100 days already!! (shy shy) Always being by our sides and given us so much support and love, I’m really really thankful ~ ^^ (Heart) In the future I’ll work harder, 1000 days, 10,000 days, please continue to give us attention for the rest of your life!! I love all of you, WO AI NI (Heart) - Bun Xiumin-
Luhan: How soon that it’s already our 100th day debut anniversary, time really does pass fast! ^^ Haha. In this 100 days, I’m really touched by all the support everyone has given EXO, without your support, we wouldn’t have such great motivation. I hope that in the future, everyone will be able to continue supporting us, we will work even hard to present a better image to everyone! I love all of you!
Lay: It’s been 100 days since our debut, everyone has given us the best supports which makes me feel really touched. It is only because you all exist, that we will have such a special 100th day anniversary, all of you will always be the best in our hearts. I have you to make me feel at peace and I will give in all my best just for you all.
Chen: Hello everyone I am EXO-M’s Chen, in the blink of an eye! We’ve already debuted for 100 days. Many fans have congratulated us, really really thankful. Chen who will work harder more and more, fans and us EXO are one! We are one! (Heart) I love all of you, sincerely thankful for all the well wishes. (Heart)
Tao: Hello everyone, I am EXO’s member Tao. In a blink of an eye, it’s already our 100th day, do you feel like time passes as fast as water flows? Here at the 100th day, all the perspiration and all the tears I’ve shed, is all worth it to me. On the glistening stage we have your cheers, backstage, we have your support and in my heart, EXO fans will forever be the most amazing. I hope that my appearance in front of you will bring you happiness, and I’m thankful to the broad amount of fans for your support and concern. My existence will not only be for this 100 days, but also to in accompaniment with all of you in the future, the romantic panda who is loved by you and loves all of you.

Source: EXO-K and EXO-M Official Sites
Translated by: Yenuo @ galaexo.com


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